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These are common surgical procedures that I do and an explanation as to what they are about.

Otologic Procedures:



Ossicular chain reconstruction

Intratympanic steroid injection

Tympanomastoid surgery

Myringotomy + tube (grommets)

External auditory canal exostosis

Hearing Restoration Procedures:

Bone conduction implants
Middle ear implants

Adenotonsillar Procedures:


Eustachian Tube Procedures:

Eustachian tube balloon

Preauricular Procedures:

Preauricular sinus excision

Nasal and Sinus Procedures:

Inferior turbinate reduction
FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery)



A stapedectomy is a surgical procedure performed to restore hearing in individuals with a condition called otosclerosis. Otosclerosis is the abnormal growth of bone in the middle ear, which can lead to hearing loss. During a stapedectomy, a tiny bone in the middle ear, called the stapes, is replaced with a prosthesis. This helps sound waves to travel more effectively to the inner ear, improving hearing.


Myringoplasty is a surgery to repair a perforated or damaged eardrum. This procedure involves closing small holes or tears in the eardrum to restore hearing and protect the middle ear from infections.

Ossicular Chain Reconstruction

Ossicular chain reconstruction is a surgical procedure to repair or replace the tiny bones in the middle ear, known as ossicles. These bones play a crucial role in transmitting sound vibrations. The surgery aims to improve sound conduction and hearing.

Intratympanic Steroid Injection

An intratympanic steroid injection is a non-invasive procedure to treat sudden hearing loss or inner ear conditions. A steroid medication is injected directly into the middle ear to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Tympanomastoid Surgery

Tympanomastoid surgery is performed to address chronic ear infections or complications from previous surgeries. It involves the removal of infected tissue and the reconstruction of the ear's bony structure to improve ear health.

Myringotomy + Tube (Grommets)

Myringotomy with tube insertion, also known as grommet insertion, is a common procedure to treat recurrent ear infections in children. A small tube is placed in the eardrum to allow proper drainage and ventilation, reducing the risk of infections.

External Auditory Canal Exostosis

External auditory canal exostosis surgery is performed to remove bony growths or obstructions from the ear canal. These growths can cause hearing problems and discomfort.

Bone Conduction Implants

Bone conduction implants are used to help individuals with hearing loss by bypassing the damaged part of the ear. A surgically implanted device transmits sound vibrations directly to the inner ear through bone, improving hearing.

Middle Ear Implants

A middle ear implant is a device surgically placed in the middle ear to improve hearing in individuals with sensorineural hearing loss. It amplifies sound vibrations and sends them directly to the inner ear.


An adenotonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove both the adenoids and tonsils. It is commonly performed in children to address issues such as sleep apnea, chronic tonsillitis, or obstructed breathing.

Eustachian Tube Balloon

Eustachian tube balloon dilation is a procedure to treat Eustachian tube dysfunction. A balloon is inserted into the Eustachian tube and inflated to open the passage, allowing for proper ear pressure regulation.

Preauricular Sinus Excision

Preauricular sinus excision is a minor surgical procedure to remove a small, congenital pit or hole near the front of the ear. This helps prevent infections and discomfort.

Inferior Turbinate Reduction

Inferior turbinate reduction is a procedure to alleviate nasal congestion and breathing difficulties by reducing the size of the turbinate bones inside the nose.


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum, which can cause breathing problems and contribute to snoring or sleep apnea.

FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery)

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat chronic sinusitis. It involves the removal of blockages and the creation of drainage pathways in the sinuses, improving airflow and reducing symptoms.

These ENT surgical procedures are performed by myself as an otologist and other ENT specialists to address various ear, nose, and throat conditions, with the goal of improving the patient's overall health and quality of life.

Who are these procedures for ?

Otologic Procedures:


Stapedectomy is a surgical solution aimed at addressing a condition known as otosclerosis, a common cause of hearing loss. It is an ideal option if you're struggling with hearing difficulties linked to this condition.


Myringoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair a perforated eardrum. If you've been dealing with hearing issues due to eardrum perforation, myringoplasty could be the solution you need.

Ossicular Chain Reconstruction:

Ossicular chain reconstruction is a surgical intervention primarily intended for individuals experiencing hearing problems resulting from issues with the tiny bones in the middle ear. If your hearing is compromised due to damaged or missing ear bones, this procedure can help restore your auditory function.

Intratympanic Steroid Injection:

This procedure is particularly useful for individuals who have experienced sudden hearing loss. If you've encountered an abrupt loss of hearing, intratympanic steroid injection can effectively reduce inflammation and potentially restore your auditory capabilities.

Tympanomastoid Surgery:

Tympanomastoid surgery is a valuable option for those dealing with chronic ear infections. If you've been grappling with recurrent ear infections or complications stemming from them, this surgical procedure can provide an effective remedy.

Myringotomy + Tube (Grommets):

For both children and adults troubled by frequent ear infections, myringotomy with tube placement, often referred to as grommets, can offer relief. The insertion of these tiny tubes into the eardrums can prevent infections and enhance hearing.

External Auditory Canal Exostosis:

If you've been contending with hearing issues or discomfort caused by bony growths within your ear canal, external auditory canal exostosis surgery is designed to remove these growths, potentially improving your auditory comfort.

Hearing Restoration Procedures:

Bone Conduction Implants:

Bone conduction implants are an excellent solution for individuals facing specific types of hearing problems. If your hearing loss is related to sound not transmitting properly through your ears, these implants can effectively bypass damaged areas to restore sound perception.

Middle Ear Implants:

When hearing loss is linked to middle ear complications, middle ear implants can be a game-changer. These implants can enhance the volume and clarity of sounds, significantly improving auditory experiences.


Adenotonsillar Procedures:


Adenotonsillectomy is a surgical procedure primarily performed in children who experience difficulties breathing during sleep or recurrent throat infections due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids.

Eustachian Tube Procedures:

Eustachian Tube Balloon:

This procedure is tailored to individuals grappling with ear issues resulting from blocked Eustachian tubes. By clearing these tubes, the surgery aims to improve overall ear health.

Preauricular Procedures:

Preauricular Sinus Excision:

For individuals with small openings near the ear causing discomfort or infections, preauricular sinus excision is a surgical procedure that removes these problematic sinuses.

Nasal and Sinus Procedures:

Inferior Turbinate Reduction:

If you've been experiencing nasal congestion or difficulty breathing through your nose, inferior turbinate reduction can alleviate these issues by creating more space inside your nostrils.


Septoplasty is recommended for individuals with a deviated nasal septum causing breathing difficulties. The surgery straightens the septum, improving nasal airflow.

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS):

FESS is an effective solution for those dealing with chronic sinusitis that doesn't respond to conservative treatments. This surgery focuses on clearing blockages and enhancing sinus drainage.

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